Nowadays more and more couples choose to set their wedding ceremony in the middle of a forest. I’d like to give some food for thought on this venue which is not to be considered only as one of the latest trends in the wedding industry. In my opinion there is a real need to find a sacred place for such an important ceremony. Let’s not forget that in ancient times the forest was lived as a sanctuary, in which the force of nature was felt most strongly. Here the connection between the earth and the sky took place (and still takes place!) This happens through the trees, whose roots sink into the underground material world and whose tops with the branches touch the sky, the breath of the air, the spirit.
As trees do, the marriage unites heaven and earth, as well. The divine soul is revealed to bride and groom through their marriage and their daily life is intertwined with their spirituality.
The symbolism of the forest appears in every story, every fairy tale and in some myths. It has a respectable place in dreams and in the collective imagination of the modern man: it is a place to get lost and then changed. The forest represents the space of wonder and mystery. It is full of unknown possibilities. It becomes an opportunity for experience and growth. It is the contact with the maternal energy of the earth and the journey of the hero that go through it, the metaphor of the stages, passage and the obstacles in life that every human being must face in order to grow or reborn. Where there is a wood, there is also a symbolic path to be followed with tests to be overcome, a sense of bewilderment, research and courage. Marriage, just like the forest, represents a new path in the life of the spouses. It is a journey and requires the courage to be lived in its different phases together, hand in hand.
For the reasons I have set out above, I believe that for many couples the favorite place for their wedding is a romantic forest. If you have chosen to get married in such a special place, too, it is important to make proper choices for the symbolic ceremony. The venue, the words, the music, the rites, the decorations must be studied and customized.
You will find here (link to the article) my tips to organize everything in the best way. If you want a tailor-made text for your ceremony in the woods, if you are looking for a professional officiant or for receiving more information write to giorgia@cerimoniasimbolica.com.